Our story…


“It all started IN 2002…

The Lord started speaking to me and my husband about adoption. We already had three biological sons, but felt this was a calling we could not ignore. In 2006, and again in 2008, we adopted our precious girls. Through adoption, our eyes were opened to the vast needs of children in the adoption and foster care system. God placed a desire within us to do more and we diligently began seeking His guidance and direction. 

About three years ago, I contacted the director over DFCS, here in Whitfield County. We met and discussed the challenges and needs of the children in our area.  After meeting with the director, God showed us His direction. Since the case manager spends a lot of time meeting the basic needs and caring for the children at intake, we felt the need to provide a hospitality house where we would be able to assist in caring for the children so that the case manager can focus on placement.  This house would be a place that, when children were first taken into custody, they did not have to go back to the DFCS office to wait placement. Instead, case managers would be able go with them to a loving and safe home, filled with all the things that the children would need during this most difficult time. This would be a home environment that would get their little minds off what they are going through, while providing comforting smiles, warm food, clean clothes and toys. Workers at the home would be there to focus on all the children’s needs, while freeing up the caseworker to focus on their placement. 

Just as with our adoptions, we believe this is a calling we cannot ignore. We believe this home is very much needed in our community and will help lessen the trauma that the children face when there is no other option but to remove them from their homes.”

~ Amanda Gillean Founder